Thursday, January 1, 2009

Week11 - ICT as Tutor

Most teacher in several yours go they start using the ICT as Tutor in classroom because it help the teachers to conduction the concept to student.
The teachers using suitable materials to enhance their teaching by :
  • Drill-and-practice
  • Tutorial
  • Simulation
  • Games

How we should use the ICT Tutor?
Its good to using the ICT as Tutor but the teacher should be using it in proper way and select proper material.

What is limitation for ICT as Tutor?
There is group of people they thought that in the future we will no need for teachers and we can online learn or using the teaching materials. Yes what they say could be right but the teacher job not teaching only in the classroom. He learn the student which is more than conduction the concept he learn and teach the student the human communication which it can not get it by ICT materials.

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