Saturday, January 10, 2009

Benefits and limitation of Blogs in the classroom

In the first day I enjoy the ICT class course I thought that this courses it will go and I not get any new knowledge to improve my self as a teacher or I learn some think new in teaching. But every day I attend the classroom I get new knowledge and I learn new information which I transferred that to my class and my student.

By learning and using the blogs in classroom it help me to understand the course in better way and give me the ability to right the concept in my language and what I understand in this curriculum and I put my comment about it. The other think is the discuss ideas between the teachers, work to gather as team and sharing the information, all of this increase my ICT teaching vision and push me to change the teaching technique.
The problem I face is the course or classroom is the homework which is very difficult to do it in the classroom because it take time and when I went to home I don’t have the time to do it. I become busy with family and schools works for that rezone I not finish my homework in the time.

I wish that my works in this course accomplish the result what I expect.

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